Saturday, September 21, 2013

San Quirico d'Orcia

San Quirico d'Orcia is a comune of c. 2,500 inhabitants in the Province of Siena in the Italian region Tuscany, located about 80 km southeast of Florence and about 45 km southeast of Siena inside the Valdorcia landscape. It is named in honor of Saint Quiricus.  It is located on the Via Francigena.

Collegiata di San Quirico is an ancient parish church preceded by a baptistery of the ' eighth century . The current building was built in the late twelfth century or the beginning of the next century. 
The oldest part seems to be that corresponding to the facade and in particular the portal
The pilgrim's accommodations adjacent to the church were well-managed by the young, and seemingly progressive, priest.  On the day we stayed here, there was also a large group, apparently a hiking club from Italy.  The priest expertly handled the arrangements, including the passport stamp for about 35 people.  The main logistical problem was women and men in the same room, but this was acceptable for couples and married people.  We stayed with an older French couple, and a single German woman, who we had met in San Gimignano several days earlier.  

San Quirico is a gem, and the atmosphere is genuine, having very little contamination by commercial mass tourism.