Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bagno Vignoni

Bagno Vignoni is a town situated on a hill above Val d'Orcia in TuscanyItaly. It is a popular tourist destination and well known for its hot springs.  
Castiglione D'Orcia from the Parco naturale dei Mulini.  The ancient village of Bagno Vignoni is located in the heart of Tuscany, in the Val d'Orcia Natural Park. Thanks to the Via Francigena, these thermal waters were found and have been used since Roman times. At the heart of the village is the "Piazza della sorgenti", namely a rectangular tank, of 16th-century origin, which contains the original source of water that comes from the underground aquifer of volcanic origins.
We stayed at the Albergo Le Terme in order to bathe.  This is the modern spa.  It uses the volcanic waters.  The effervescence of the volatile calcium carbonate in these waters is remarkable and extremely helpful for aching feet and tired muscles.
The Orcia from the Ponte.
On the long road towards Radicofani.  Looking back towards Castiglione.