Sunday, December 30, 2018

Chiesa parrocchiale di Santa Maria Assunta


The Parish Church of Santa Maria Assunta is located in the municipality of Elva , in the province of Cuneo and diocese of Saluzzo , in the hamlet of Serre, seat of the town hall.

The frescoes were carried out in two different phases: those of the vault are the work of an unknown painter of late Gothic culture, presumably around 1470, those of the walls are attributable to the Flemish painter Hans Clemer , also known as the Master of Elva(15th-16th century). It is a fresco cycle, dating from around 1493, which illustrates stories from the life of the Virgin and Christ, culminating in a grandiose scene of the Crucifixion that occupies the entire back wall. These frescoes, considered one of the best works of the Master and one of the most significant examples of Piedmontese art of that period, were restored in 1985 by the Superintendence of Artistic Heritage.