Sunday, November 2, 2014

Altstadt Goslar

Salian Emperor Henry I founded Goslar in the 10th century after the discovery of silver deposits in the nearby Rammelsberg. The wealth derived from silver mining brought Goslar the status of an Imperial City, which attracted the interest of the Holy Roman Emperor.
The medieval Imperial Palace (Kaiserpfalz Goslar) was built in the 11th century and became a summer residence for the emperors, especially Henry III of Germany who visited his favourite palace about twenty times. Henry's heart is found in St. Ulrich's Chapel in the Kaiserpfaltz.
There are many interesting structures in the city.  As a romantic medievalist of sorts, I found walking around completely immersing and thoroughly enjoyable.
Großes Heiliges Kreuz
The building Großes Heiliges Kreuz was in 1254 as a hospice built and offered needy, the infirm and orphans , as well as pilgrims and other travelers passing through a night's lodging and food supply.
From Turm of Markkirche