Monday, March 11, 2013

Guînes to Bainghen: VF-4

Abbaye Church, Licques
Beginning of an 4 day epic battle with the weather.  Woke up at the La Forge in Guînes.
Aim was Licques about 15km.
Colonne Blanchard, Guines
Started walking at 9:30 from Guînes and it was snowing.  The road to Licques was surreal and quite pleasant.

Arrived in Licques around 12:30 and walked to the campsite that reportedly had chalets open year around.  Well it was closed.  In fact just about everything was closed, including the Abbey/Church.  Went into a cafe next to the church and had a couple of beers.  Asked the proprietor for assistance in finding accommodation.  Fortunately, she had an English speaking friend.  She found a place about 5km away from Licques in a town called Bainghen.  I scored with the Retour aux Sources.  It was super comfortable and perfect shelter from the storm.  Very quiet. 
Bainghen, France

Retour Aux Sources, Bainghen