Thursday, March 7, 2013

Cottbus to Canterbury: VF-0

Stained Glass of Sigeric, Canterbury
Thursday, March 7 I have arrived in Canterbury.  Started at 6:00 am by walking the 1k to the Hauptbahnhof with my loaded pack to get a feel for my burden.  Felt light and comfortable as it should.  Took the 7:00 train and arrived at Schönefeld at 8:40.  Dealt with the usual airport hassle and boarded the plane at 10:30.  Short flight to London Luton.  Picked up my train ticket and found the shuttle bus to the train station.  Arrived at 12:30.  Boarded the train to Brighton at 12:55.  Changed trains at London Bridge at 2:00.   Saw the completed alien-formed monstrosity called "The Shard" briefly.  It just hurt my eyes to look at it.  Say no more, but I think that the corrupted city planners really put the cart before the horse...

Took the 'Split train' to Ramsgate (8 car train that separates at Ashford into 2 4 car segments, so you have to know where to sit).  Arrived in Canterbury West around
3:00.  Found my accommodation, The Pilgrim's Hotel, and checked in.  Dropped my gear and went out straightaway to the Cathedral.  Paid the £8.50 entrance fee and went to the Precincts office.  Obtained my pilgrim's passport for £2 and got the first stamp.  Spent the next 2 hours checking out this wonderful building.
Chapter House, Canterbury Cathedral
Candle marking shrine of Thomas a Beckett, Canterbury Cathedral

Stained Glass, Canterbury Cathedral
Cloister, Canterbury Cathedral