Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hradčanské Námĕstí

Prague Castle is a castle (fort de facto) in the Prague district of Hradcany , the traditional seat of Czech kings since 1918 President of the Republic.

Successive additions and modifications from the Castle since founded in the 9th century, one of the largest castle complexes in the world.. It is often considered a symbol of the Czech Republic . Within the castle is St. Vitus Cathedral, where such stores Czech crown jewels and buried many of Czech rulerPrague Castle Buildings represent almost all the architectural styles of the past millennium:
Hradcany Square is a public space located in the heart of Prague Castle in the city of Prague in the immediate vicinity of Prague Castle . This is the main square of Prague Castle, which follows from the east to castle courtyard and western gateway and western facades of Prague Castle.

The Archbishop's Palace is (together with the Cathedral of St.. Vitus ), the headquarters of Prague archdiocese . The building is located on Hradcany Square in the vicinity of the main gate of Prague Castle . On the north side slopes Deer ditch on the west side of the palace leads to the passage of the Sternberg Palace . Archbishop's Palace was built in the 16th century in Baroque style, but to this day has been reconstructed many times.

The Cathedral of St. Vitus , Wenceslas and Adalbert , is the dominant building in the Prague Castle , the seat of the Church as Archbishop of Prague .

Schwarzenberg Palace is a Renaissance palace at Hradcany Square, Prague .

The three-wing building was a large fire at the Castle in 1541 rebuilt according to original Vlach Augustine Agostino Gallo) for the Czech noble family Lobkowice in the years 1545 - 1567 as a town residence . As one of the first buildings in Prague was built in the style of the Italian Renaissance . The walls are decorated with black graffiti and giving the impression that the regular natural stone masonry (the diamond) in a special form výstupkovitého block . The staircase shields is rich figural decoration. Also inside the building are preserved ceiling paintings from around 1580 .

I visited the museum here and viewed a collection of baroque scupture and painting that was awe inspiring. More to follow.