Friday, December 17, 2010

Lloyds Building

The Lloyd's building (also sometimes known as the Inside-Out Building) is the home of the insurance institution Lloyd's of London, and is located at 1, Lime Street, in the City of London, England.

It was designed by architect Richard Rogers and built between 1978 and 1986. Bovis was the management contractor for the scheme.  Like the Pompidou Centre (designed by Renzo Piano and Rogers), the building was innovative in having its services such as staircases, lifts, electrical power conduits and water pipes on the outside, leaving an uncluttered space inside. The twelve glass lifts were the first of their kind in the UK.

When I first observed this building, it looked like it was under construction.  The rooftop cranes add that touch, which I am not so sure is a good thing.  I think the design is incredible, and if you can understand it, it doesn't look incomplete at all.  Richard Rogers also designed the Channel 4 Building, among others.  I particularly like the stainless steel enclosures for the stair well.  Stunning.