Monday, November 1, 2010

Dryburgh Abbey

Dryburgh Abbey, near Dryburgh on the banks of the River Tweed in the Scottish Borders, was nominally founded on 10 November 1150 in an agreement between Hugh de Morville, Lord of Lauderdale and Constable of Scotland, and the Premonstratensian canons regular from Alnwick Abbey in Northumberland. The arrival of the canons along with their first abbot, Roger, took place on 13 December 1152.

It was burned by English troops in 1322, after which it was restored only to be again burned by Richard II in 1385, but it flourished in the fifteenth century. It was finally destroyed in 1544, briefly to survive until the Scottish Reformation, when it was given to the Earl of Mar by James VI of Scotland.

The 12th Earl of Buchan bought the land in 1786. Sir Walter Scott and Douglas Haig are buried in its grounds.
The grounds contains some of the finest trees I have ever seen.  There is a yew tree that is reported to be 900 years old.  The atmosphere created by the trees and the ruin was magical. 

Certainly one of the top examples of a perfect architectural setting in the world.
I am learning about how to frame a photo into a "shot", but the great thing about a place like this is that there are thousands of viewpoints and there isn't just one "great perspective".  I like this one as it emphasizes the height of the building, which represents its magnificence architecturally in true gothic style.