Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wharton Esherick House

Latitude: 40° 5'1.49"N
Longitude: 75°29'38.65"W

Built over a 40 year period by the man himself, this structure defines deliberate non-conformity and his considered his greatest work.

Wharton Esherick was a sculptor who primarily worked in wood. The building is reminiscent of the art of the Die Brucke group, particularly Kirchner.

The strange angularity of the plan and orientation of the house make for a huge variety of perspectives.

Even today, this place feels like it is out in the middle of nowhere. Esherick was a devotee of the transcendentalist ideology of Thoreau and this was his version of Walden pond. Very beautiful and serene place, though the trees have grown too close to the house. When he purchased the property in the 30s, it was a derelict farm. Who knows what they could farm here, certainly not good land for a field. The house is definitely well built and appears to have been robust enough to withstand the sometimes nasty Pennsylvania winters.